As the 2005 HP Houston Marathon approaches, a runner enters the phase of training properly termed "the taper." It is an anxious, yet ominous task. The runner is asked to cut back mileage, retain intensity, and increase focus. Rest is empahsized, as so is diet. However, how does one taper the mind? My mind has been going crazy envisioning scenario after scenario of marathon bliss and disaster. How will the first 15 miles feel? How will I feel at 20 miles? How hard will my marathon goal pace feel? All these questions are curious, yet they will be answered in due time (Jan. 16th, to be exact).
Health is top priority. Remain healthy, don't do anything stupid in training, and get your rest... AND TRY TO STAY SANE! I had one of my first dreams about the marathon last night:
Health is top priority. Remain healthy, don't do anything stupid in training, and get your rest... AND TRY TO STAY SANE! I had one of my first dreams about the marathon last night:
Racing the course, having no remorse for the pace other than nailing my splits. I'm racing another runner, not sure who, it's a loop course, every loop I work harder and harder, but will I have enough left... take some water, keep at it. It will all be over soon. Victor Aguirre walks up, tells me I'm running 5:17 pace and so-and-so is running 5:14. I awake.
I never know what these dreams mean or don't mean. What they insinuate or how they permeate into my subconscious... All I know is that I will stay the course and continue on training as only I know how, giving my best effort day in and day out. The Holidays have brought comfort in training partners and a little more rest and perhaps less stress. My Mother is in town and witnessing her interact with my Daughter is priceless. She gets smarter every day (my Mother is a National-Certified teacher, one of the best in the business) and I hope they cherish their time together, "Abu" and "Mameline."
I will share a little here: my best Christmas present (I asked for nothing) was not my cargo pants, my pajama pants (too much info?), nor my "Black" cologne or my Cuban cigar cologne, nor my Puma shoes (though those were sweet), or my Express jeans, nor even the magical snow that arrived upon our lawn and heads on Christmas Eve... it was a simple Dr. Seuss book that my wife purchased for me entitled, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!". For those of you not familiar with this simple nursery rhyme of a book, check it out if you can and recognize the genius that Dr. Seuss was in not only teaching children through his riddles, but the amazing lessons an adult can learn from such childish stories exemplified in cartoon wonderings. How something so serious can be explained so simply just blows my mind. Thank you Dr. Seuss, but more importantly, thank you, my wife, for the thoughtful gift and introducing me to such a great story.