Sunday, November 21, 2004

Total Fina International Friendship Run 10K

Total Fina International Friendship Run 10K in McAllen, Texas
32:22 (5:13/ mile pace)
3:13, 6:21 (3:08), 9:33 (3:12), 16:06 (6:32), 19:26 (3:20), 22:41 (3:14), 25:56 (3:14), 29:10 (3:14), 3:11
3rd Place, $500.00

I ran this race back in 2000 and placed 2nd in 33:18 to Isidoro Martinez (32:53) before the days of prize money. Perla, Madelyn, and I flew down the day before the race and met up with my coach, Doug Erickson. It was the first time we had seen each other since the day I resigned from coaching at Texas-Pan American. We attended the "expo" and ran into Mexican elite director and editor of Runners North Magazine, Carlos Guerrero, David Chavana, Debbie Arzola, Westly Keating, and a old compeitor from Florida Atlantic, Greg DeStefano. Amazing what a small world this is...

Anyway, we then proceeded to drive the course, debating if it would start down below at Anzalduas Park, or above on the road. To our luck it started down in the park, which included a nice climb 1K into the race. We established our strategy, which was largely based on the projected weather conditions (80's and 80% humidity) and the elite Mexican athletes, and set off driving the course noting the long straight-aways.

After dinner at Olive Garden and a good sleep, we awoke to very hot and humid conditions. We then headed out to the bus station, where we would be bussed to the starting line in these old trolley-type buses. Sitting on the wooden seats, our driver did not even know how to get to the start line! We were trapped on the bus, with several women elites, with less than an hour to the start. We had practically crossed over into Mexico and the driver was lost, even though I knew how to get to the start. We'd run if we had to!

The situation was finally corrected and we pulled up and got out to warmup. My hamstrings were incredibly tight and this worried me, but after a brief warm-up with a former athlete, David Ramirez, I headed to the restrooms and laced up my flats.

Probably the best story of the day came when as we were waiting to start the race, there was this Mexican runner on the other side of what I thought was a lake. Roped-up to the side of the lake was a Border Patrol boat with a couple agents inside, looking at the start of the race while this runner kept looking for a way across. Well, I was about to tell the Border Patrol to go give the guy a lift because if not, he's going to miss the race. Turns out that my "lake" is the Rio Grande River separating the US from Mexico! Poor guy was trapped. He just kept running to and fro' for close to an hour.

Finally the race gets uderway and Greg takes it out hard, but no one goes with him: it's too hot. The top Mexicans are already together and running strong. I follow about 10m back, as we climb the hill. By 2K I've moved into about 10th place and am about 40m back of the lead pack and I begin to notice the favorite (and eventual winner, Miguel Luna) throwing in surge after surge as the field would string out behind him and then slow back down again, like he was testing the field. By 3K I moved into about 8th place and was already feeling the heat. Plus, my left hamstring and side was starting to give me trouble. I moved into 5th place by 4K and onto 5K I moved into 4th place, about 100m back of 3rd and 200-300m behind the leaders. I completely felt horrible, like dropping out, at 5K (16:06) and went from gaining on 3rd to losing about another 50-100m. Finally a turn approached by 6K and I immediately started feeling better. I decided to try and reel in 3rd place. It was a lot of work and took me about 2K to do it, but I pulled even at 8K (25:56) and while he went for water, I went for broke. I started running as hard as I could, and he latched on, but I kept the pressure and the image that I was fresh and soon he was broken and I was committed on catching the leaders. But the leaders were too far ahead, even though I'm pretty sure I ran the fastest final 2K of the field in 6:25, with a 3:11 closing kilo.

Miguel Luna took home $1000.00 for his 1st place, 31:51 clocking. Alfredo Moctezuma, a mountain-goat of a man, took 2nd in 31:58 for $750.00, while I placed 3rd in 32:22 for a nice $500.00 pay day. Antonio Gutierrez took 4th and first master and $300.00 for his 32:42, and San Antonian Victor Viesca finished up in 5th in 33:34. My wife, Perla, coming off a 25K victory on Sunday, battled to a 41:41 finish, good enough for 8th overall on the women's side.

After a nice breakfast at Outback's of all places, we parted ways and headed back to Webster with another great experience in the Valley. I highly recommend this race, especially the way the Tornado's ran it: Leno, Vaughn, and Victor partying all night and showing up at the race reeking of alcohol and then racing their guts out!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Run with the Champions: Meb Keflezighi

Using Run with the Champions, by Marc Bloom, and his Lifetime Honors Point System that he uses to rank the Top 50 American distance runners of all-time, here is Meb Keflezighi's totals and rankings:

Olympic silver medal.... 1,500 (2004- Marathon, 2:11:29)
American outdoor record. 1,000 (2001- 10,000m, 27:13.98)
Olympic Trials title.... 500 (2000- 10,000m, 28:03.32)
Olympic Trials title.... 500 (2004- 10,000m, 27:36.49)
U.S. outdoor title...... 350 (2000- 10,000m)
U.S. outdoor title...... 350 (2002- 10,000m)
U.S. outdoor title...... 350 (2004- 10,000m)
U.S. XC title........... 350 (2001- 12K)
U.S. XC title........... 350 (2002- 12K)
NCAA outdoor title...... 200 (1997- 5000m)
NCAA outdoor title...... 200 (1997- 10,000m)
NCAA indoor title....... 100 (1997- 5000m)
NCAA XC title........... 200 (1997- XC)
Olympic team member..... 200 (2000- 10,000m)
Olympic team member..... 200 (2004- Marathon)
WC outdoor team member.. 200 (2001- 10K- 28:44.48, 23rd)
WC outdoor team member.. 200 (2003- 10K- 28:35.08, 16th)
New York City-2nd place. 750 (2004- 2:09:52)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2001- 15K, 43:14)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2002- 15K, 42:48)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2002- 7M, 32:36)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2002- 5K, 13:45)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2003- 15K, 43:31)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2003- 8K, 22:28)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2003- 20K, 58:57)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2004- 15K, 43:19)
U.S. road title......... 200 (2004- 8K, 22:16)
American road record.... 250 (2003- 20K)

Lifetime Honors Point Total........ 9,550

Based on that total, I can only guesstimate that Meb would rank anywhere from as high as 7th (right behind Billy Mills, but ahead of Bob Schul) to as low as 26th behind John J. Kelley. However, the point system is only a guideline and is subjective, but gives you a good understanding of an athlete's history and successes.

We need to take into account that Meb is only beginning to enter his career among the world's best distance runners based on his performance at Athens and he is only 29 years old and, in my opinion, has another 5 great years of running ahead of him, including the Beijing Olympics, where he can solely claim the #1 All-Time ranking away from Frank Shorter with a victory in the Marathon.

But so far, based on his results, I would rank Meb 3rd behind Shorter and Jim Ryun. Salazar and Rodgers were winners in the marathon, but lacked an Olympic medal and in this day of distance running with the influx of Africans capable of running the marathon distance in under 2:05, Meb's Silver was a phenomenal accomplishment. There is something to be said about performing on a specific, given day, and Meb has done that. We shall see what his future holds, but I can see him in the near future running well below 2:08 for the marathon. How fast, I won't venture to limit him.

For anyone interested in the rest of Marc Bloom's rankings or why those are ranked ahead of each other, buy the book, it is a great read: Run with the Champions.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Is Meb Keflezighi the Best Ever?

I have to tackle this question after the preposterous remarks by American marathoner Meb Keflezighi, who stated after his 2nd place finish at the ING New York City Marathon that he really believes that he is America's greatest distance runner... ever!

I have to disagree.

I understand that running produces endorphins that contribute and could possibly create the sensation of a "runner's high", but it's about time that Keflezighi gets off cloud nine. I will forgive Meb's ignorance on American distance running, given that he is a foreigner from Eritrea. I will allow for him to have had a fleeting memory of Frank Shorter, the one name he did not mention in his post-race interviews. He goes on to disrespect Alberto Salazar and even Bill Rodgers in the Palm Beach Post article.

So, who is America's greatest distance runner? Feet forward, it has to be Frank Shorter. Why? Frank Shorter was a winner. Period. Frank Shorter won 6 out of the 9 marathons he entered (if memory serves me correctly). Meb couldn't even win the USA Olympic Trials (Shorter was a 2-time Trials winner in '72 and '76, also winning the Trials 10,000m in those years). Shorter WON the 1972 Olympic Marathon and won Silver at the 1976 Olympic Marathon. He was a 5-time 10,000m National Champion (Meb has only won 3 times), and a 4-time National Cross Country Champion (Meb, again, only twice). Shorter also placed 5th in the 1972 Olympic 10,000m race, setting an American Record in the semi-finals and again in the finals, running 27:51. Meb's best finish in the Olympic 10,000m race is 12th place and 2nd American. Shorter also won the Fukuoka Marathon (the 1970's version of today's Chicago or London Marathons) FOUR freaking times! I don't even think Meb has ever WON a single marathon event!

If we compare times, personal bests, than Meb wins-out. But running is not all about times. It's about winning, dominating, being the best in your moment and era. Shorter did that. Let's consider 5000m by Track & Field News. How about the 10,000 meters? Frank was ranked in the U.S. the following years: 1969 (3rd), 1970, 1971, & 1972 (1st), 1973 (5th), 1974 & 1975 (1st), 1976 (2nd), 1977 (1st), 1979 (3rd). That's a decade of rankings. Meb has the following US rankings: 1998 & 1999 (5th), 2000 (1st), 2001 (2nd). Frank Shorter was the #1 Ranked American Marathoner from 1971-1974 and again in 1976.

But let's forget about the US. How was Frank Shorter ranked in the World over the Marathon? He was the #1 Ranked Marathoner in the World by Track & Field News in 1971, 1972, & 1973! He was ranked #2 in 1974 & 1976. Keflezighi, granted his youth, has yet to be ranked in the Top 10 as of 2002, but I'll give him a Top 5 ranking for 2004 behind Stefano Baldini and perhaps the undefeated Evans Rutto. How about the 10,000m? Shorter was ranked #2 in the world in 1970 & 1975, was #5 in 1972 & 1974. Meb was #9 in the 10,000 in 2002.

Both were American Record holders over 10,000m, but Frank Shorter was also the American Record holder in the Marathon, whereas Meb is not.

I truly think the argument is moot. The ONLY way that Meb would equalize or at least be considered on the same homestretch as Frank Shorter is if he ante's up and WINS the 2008 Beijing Marathon Gold Medal. Then, and only then, will I consider Meb in the same light as Frank Shorter.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Food World Senior Bowl Charity Run 10K

USA 10K Road Championships in Mobile, Alabama.
31:04 (4:59/mile pace)
4:50, 9:46 (4:56), 14:48 (5:02), 19:51 (5:02), 24:56 (5:04), 30:02 (5:06), 1:00
41st Place

Where to start? How about where I finished: 41st place. I'll take the road PR (a :57 improvement), but I was prepared to run faster. I was just a bit rusty. I had not raced since Aug. 8th at Falmouth and it showed, but you can't run big PR's without putting in the training. It's that simple. There is no magic. Work hard and you get results. Obviously, I have a lot more work ahead of me, but I am prepared to go the distance.

I always love running these championship races because it's a constant reminder as to why I am not a "professional" runner. The talent level in America is disgusting (imagine the African countries!). I know I work harder than a lot of the runners I raced on Saturday, but to begin with, I was one of the shortest runners out there at 5'8" in flats. Most of the guys were closer to 6'0" and extremely lean with long, bounding strides. It was quite impressive. Whereas I felt like I sprinted the entire 10K distance, I got the feeling that some of those guys were out strolling at sub-5 min pace.

Otherwise, the race went well. I felt great during the warm-up (maybe a bad sign?), very smooth and got out well. Hit my goal time of 4:50 at the mile and already I was in the back of the chase pack. Entering Mile 2, I pushed the pace to latch onto the larger chase pack, but that only produced a 4:56 mile and then I got passed by the guys I had been leading and held on as best I could. My left calf gave out at Mile 3 and I battled that until it loosened up at Mile 5 and I caught one of the Hanson's runners before running as hard as I thought I could to the finish, only to miss subbing-31:00 and getting outkicked at the end. All in all, a great experience and more of a tempo "race" than anything. I look forward to improving at this race every year. It's that good...

New York City Marathon Results and Thoughts
So, Paula Radcliffe pulled it out at the brutal New York City Marathon on Sunday. Her 2:23:10 victory reinforced my thoughts that she is human, at times. I never thought I'd witness Radcliffe not be able to take down a Course Record in a major marathon. She missed Margaret Okayo's course record of 2:22:31 ('03) by almost 40-seconds in a very competitive race with Susan Chepkemei. Susan and I go way back... We raced each other earlier in the year at the Quad-City Times Bix 7 Mile race in Davenport, Iowa, on July 24, 2004. My 35:22 just about held off her ferocious kick of 35:24 in a new Bix 7 Course Record, so I know firsthand the punishing kick this little Kenyan can deliver. [What does that tell me about Paula Radcliffe's infamous non-kick!?]. Anyway, we chatted after the race and I pretty much told her she took me to the limit in terms of kicking and I was just glad to be able to hold her off, so I was a bit worried for Radcliffe in those remaining meters before the finish, but a kick at the end of a marathon is much different than kicking downhill after 7 miles..

I am disappointed I did not predict Hendrick Ramaala's victory. I was so close to dubbing him my favorite and should have. Ramaala has dominated the road racing scene for a few years now, consistently running under 60 min for the half marathon distance, that it was great to see him put together a masterpiece over the full 26.2 miles after leading and then dropping out of the Olympic Marathon. Meb Keflezighi just seemed to have too much residue left over from Athens (ditto for Deena Kastor), however, he ran bravely and nailed a well-deserved Personal Best. I can see Meb running under 2:07 for the Marathon at either Chicago or London in the near future. Otherwise a great run by young American Ryan Shay and his 2:14:08 PR for 9th place. Shay and I raced each other at both Bix (33:37 vs. 35:22) and at the SBLI Falmouth Road Race 7.1 miler (35:08 vs. 35:49), so it was great to see him succeed at the inernational level.

Also, a huge congratulations to Press On!!! coached athletes, Christopher Preston & Jan Ross. Preston ran a brave race, running 3:32:43 after, in my opinion, throwing in the towel mentally. We had such a roller-coaster buildup that I was afraid he might not even run the race, let alone perform to his abilities. But he made me very proud. For those of you that don't know Chris, he is 6'5, 160 lbs of driven flesh (I can only imagine how those bridges took a toll on a runner so tall). Watch out for this guy at Miami because on a flat course, Chris's 3:32 is definitely worth a sub-3:25 or faster! Jan, on the other hand, had a most relaxing taper as she did not run in the final 2 weeks prior to NYC. Her 4:39:53 was a tremendous effort, as she ran an incredibly controlled race, her first marathon after knee surgery. She is another runner that has a bright future ahead of her in terms of marathoning... Congraulations, guys, and enjoy New York!

Long Run Ramblings
Thought this was a great interview with Bill Rodgers: On track with Bill Rodgers from The Beacon.
Also, another interesting insight with Jason Hubbard and Peter de la Cerda from the Colorado Runner: San Luis Valley to be Represented at USATF 10K National Championships. Talking about talent, I defeated de la Cerda at the Bix 7 miler, 35:22 to 37:00. It's not like I've been dong nothing other than 120+ mile weeks and he nailed me by 1:20 at the 10K Champs!
I need to congratulate sometime training partner, Jacob Phillips with his 38th place finish and 33:39 PR for 10,000 meters at the NCAA Division II South Region Championships.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Creation of a Blog

The creation of a blog has been with me ever since I encountered Mark Cuban's weblog on the Internet. (Mr. Cuban is one of the most interesting and fascinating modern-day geniuses that I have encountered in this lifetime). Anyhow, so why a personal blog?

Simple: a creative outlest was needed. Often times I find myself needing to express thoughts, emotions, feelings that are craving to be released and are most often times quelched in my mind. So this blog will serve as my creative outlet, but it will primarily focus on the beautiful sport of running.

Enjoy the ride and provide me with feedback and we will see where this trail take us...

USATF 10K Road Championships
I will be travelling to Moblie, Alabama, on November 5th to compete in the USATF 10K Road Championships on November 6th. I am flying into New Orleans and driving the remaining 2 hours to Mobile where I will pick up my packet and meet my little brother and his Seminole teammates for dinner.

I am very fit for this race and am looking to completely demolish my official Road 10K PR of 32:01 from the 2002 Bayou City Classic in Houston. 30:21 is fresh in my mind because that is the time that the great Paula Radcliffe ran in Puerto Rico prior to her 2:15:25 World Record Marathon at London in 2003.

It is interesting because this race has produced one of my only dreams about running that I can vividly remember. This dream was brought on, in my opinion, by the fact that I have attempted to contact the Race Director in hopes of acquiring a seeded bib number so I can line up in the front and not have to fight the masses. This is my dream:
I'm in search of a porta-potty at the Champioship race, but they are all either broken or there is no toilet paper. I ask someone where can I find a restroom and am told that there is one in the hospitality suite for the elites. I'm in a long sleeve and shorts and I walk into the suite and I believe it's Eric Polonski sitting there as the Elite Athlete Coordinator. Among him are these typical looking American distance runners, all looking the same, either wearing royal blue or yellow warmups, sitting and eating. I ask to use the bathroom and Polonski says it's only for invited runners. I tell him, "I'm invited!" He says, "sure you are" (sarcasitcally) and does not allow me to use the bathroom. I then go off on him about how about support the other fellow American distance runners and that's what's wrong with the sport! Of course by now I have caused a scene and everyone is looking over, but I am upset and I awake from my dream...
My best Freudian dream interpretation: I believe this dream displays the fact that I think that I believe I do not belong with the best and that I still need to prove myself on the US racing scene. Anyone out there have a better thought?
I promise to race to my utmost potential and it is going to hurt, but it will all be worth it. I will have a race summary and thoughts when I return. In the meantime, it is my wife's 26th birthday and we have a dinner date tomorrow night and I need to surprise her with her gift...

New York City Marathon
Okay, I have to give my thoughts on the New York City Marathon before it happens. This race is just absolutely stacked, especially on the Men's side. Probably the biggest news is Bob Kennedy making his marathon debut. Heck, he's been getting more headlines than Athen's Olympic Marathon Silver Medallist, American Meb Keflezighi. Even with the "77" days in between marathons, I still think Keflezighi is the favorite. However, NYC is a difficult course (Chris Preston will let me know how difficult as he tries to approach 3:30:00) and I expect perhaps one of the unheralded Kenyans to take the win. It won't be Elly Rono, but it might be Boston Marathon champ, Timothy Cherigat or John Yuda (Tanzania). Regardless, the race is wide open and I'll go out on a limb here and say Bob Kennedy is humbled to a 2:14:29 for his debut marathon, which will be great.
So how about the women? Amazingly, Paula Radcliffe has entered. I never thought I'd see the day where the world record holder would run New York. What is this, the 1980's? Imagine Khalid Khannouchi runing NYC or Boston? Just won't happen. These specialists run for time, not honor. Anyway, what we have is Round 2 of Deena Kastor, the American Bronze Medallist at the Athens Marathon, versus the World Record Holder Radcliffe. But we cannot overlook Margaret Okayo, the defending champ and course record holder in 2:22:31. Okayo dropped out in Athens (on a course that I thought would suit her running ability), but look for her to rebound strongly on the familiar streets of New York. However, perhaps my darkhorse favorite is Lornah Kiplagat of Denmark (Kenya). Many people forget that it was Kiplagat who started the unravelling of Paula Radcliffe by dismantling Radcliffe at the World's Best 10K earlier in the year. Kiplagat won 30:41 to 30:45, in a very rare defeat of the Englishwoman. Once again, I'll extend my arm and say Radcliffe wins in 2:20:38. How's that for a biscuit?
All in all, a very exciting week for road racing in America. Hopefully, the race will be broadcast live in the US, but that is very doubtful. I look forward to the results and the race being run...