Alright, I have finally settled into a nice training routine taking into consideration my new employment on the west-end of town. Memorial Park has been serving as my "base" in between home and work, and I am thankful to have such a positive and motivational training environment for the future. Olympians trained and train at Memorial Park, from Alberto Salazar to Ron Tabb to Sean Wade to Jeff Wells to Jon Warren. It is the true mecca of distance running in Houston and I aim to take full advantage of the training environment it offers.
Last week started out poorly, as I got in a great long run with Chad James and Rudy Rocha. Chad started challenging me on the run and soon enough, my instincts took over and I started flying. However, it was too much for my leg to handle and I felt the strain of my injured left adductor. However, this was for the best, as it forced me to get professional treatment, which I did in the form of Dr. Chris Sanders at
MultiSport Healthcenter. So, now I am able to take more risks in training with the security of knowing that I am on the path to being completely healed by receiving ART Treatment on my legs.
So, I have been feeling better, less pain, and so on Thursday of last week I ran a 12 x 200 m on/off workout to test my leg. Felt good. That following Saturday I ran a 6 variable fartlek, alternating 1 mile easy and 1 mile hard with Rudy, hitting the "hard" miles at Memorial in 5:35, 5:25, and 5:21, which was quite promising and with little strain and covering the 6 miles in 39-minutes and change. My "easy" miles were in the upper-7:00 range.
And that brings us to Monday, which was another fartlek, this time a 5 mile fartlek integrating 6 x 2' hard, 3' easy. I covered about 600 m per pick up and felt good, with only the final fartleks causing any strain as I covered the 5 miles in 32:01. Later, after work, I would run an easy 3 mile shake-out run at a surprisingly packed Memorial Park on the year's hottest day... which brings me to today's workout:
Today, at Memorial, I had planned an 8 mile progression run, dropping the pace every mile. This was a curious workout because the only time my leg acts up is when I mix distance and intensity and the resulting fatigue strains my leg. So, I was anxious to see what I could run.
I started out relaxed in 7'10", dropping down to 6'39" for the second mile, which worried me that I had dropped pace too quickly. However, I was feeling good and proceeded to run 6'33" for the next mile. Now I started playing mind games.
Oh, this will be an easy run if I can run 6'30, then 6'25, so on and so forth.. But, my lack of fitness showed as I rolled off another solid 6'22" and now I was beginning to breathe. After hitting 6'00" for the fifth mile, I knew the workout was on and there was no turning back. I had to commit to the pain and the pace. I needed to dip below 6' pace for mile 6 and I did, furnishing a straining 5'53. My left adductor at this point was beginning to seize up on me, and so I stopped at 6 miles to stretch my leg (only giving myself 6" to do this as I wanted to keep the progression going, but without hurting myself.. remember, train, don't strain) and took off confidently for the final two miles of my run.
Mile 7 passed in a strong 5'45", which pleased me as I was now feeling quite strong and my left patellar tendinitis had subsided, giving me 100% running for the time being. However, I was a bit worrisome that I could close much faster than what I had just run, but I powered away, hitting 5'35" for my final mile and continued on to cover the 8 mile course in under 50-minutes.
So, a very positive morning, other than 1) I am getting sick (woke up with a slight fever and chills), and 2) my leg did seize up a bit on the workout. However, it feels pretty good right now, although it definitely feels worked out. Anyway, after some exercises and a shower, I headed off to work, stopping to chat with local Olympian
Sean Wade about his wonderful racing as of late. Sean is super-fit, attributing some great breakthroughs to his altitude tent. I don't believe I have ever seen him so thin, but you could sense his excitement for what he has been accomplishing on the roads, which is nothing short of impressive. I wish him well at Falmouth!
And then, it was off to IHOP and off to work. Much more pressing on to do... but tonight, we have the Ringling Circus with Perla, Madelyn, and our hundreds of cousins!! Should be fun...