Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Perla is Not Diabetic

We got news today that Perla DOES NOT have gestational diabetes. I tried to control my anger at our new Doctor, as she is not quite aware of Perla's history as an athlete, etc., and I just felt they were doing the tests for money's sake. Anyhow, I am glad that the Doctor took the proper precautions with a follow-up test, although it caused us much stress and time ($).

I have a very good instinct when it comes to health and matters of seriousness when it comes to the body, perhaps due to my years as an athlete, but I knew there was no way Perla could be diabetic. Yes, she has a poor morning diet, but she does eat very well when she needs to. Consider it motherly intuition.

Hope everyone is keeping dry in Miami..

So, onward with the pregnancy of our second child!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Madelyn Joins the Fun

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Madelyn's Running

Running phenom, Madelyn Rodriguez, all 36" tall and 3 years old, out-kicked her Grandmother, Martha Rios, over a 1600 meter distance at the La Porte High School Track yesterday with a 12' clocking. The barefoot, surging, toddler, kept a few steps ahead and truly out-ran her Grandmother in an amazing display of endurance for her age. Madelyn went on to cool-down for another 2 laps with her Grandmother, walking and jogging the rest of the way. A very impressed Mom was left speechless and immediatly called her Husband to share the amazing feat. A 12' mile, non-stop, at 3 years old. Barefoot, on the track. Hell yeah! :)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Interior Decorating

Our designer, Barbara Mueller, a Savannah College of the Arts Masters Degree titlist, guided us through our selection process and assisted us through maintaining our simple Tuscan theme througout the home...
Wrought iron stairwell drove us over our budget, adding 1/5th to our total price of upgrades, but once again, it emphasized the rustic Tuscan theme we are striving for... one of our favorite upgrades
Here you can see our selections starting with the upper left cabinets (Maple Glazed), next to that is the tile that will be used in the upstairs bath, next to that is the tile to be used in the Master bath... botttom row is the tile that will be used throughout the house; next is the neutral color that the house will be painted, and finally, next to that is the carpet used in all the bedrooms and second floor..
Here you can hopefully see the detail of the tile we chose for the entire first floor. It captures the Tuscan, old-world look wonderfully, with intricate detailing... this was over 50% of our upgrade price!
Our cabinets. Maple glazed and beautiful... this piece set the tone for our selections throughout the house...
Here the backsplash for the kitchen is displayed above our granite countertop selection, the wood for the stairwell, and the countertop for the bathrooms...
Finally, the other 1/4th of our upgrades was this wonderfully exotic granite countertop.. we never knew how difficult it is to maintain granite and how high-maintenance it is, but it is well worth the price...

LASTing Moments


The above un-completed mural will be blown up, 40 feet x 40 feet at the new location of Finish Strong Sports, at Memorial Park. It features my 2005 Houston Marathon run as an anchor, as well as my hands tying the shoes, and my wristwatch. The mural is not yet complete, but it will look something like above. It is quite an honor to be recognized as one of Houston's best distance runners and to be "immortalized" for years to come in this statement running store. The backdrop in the photo is the Houston Downtown skyline, and yes, that is the infamous mustache that I grew out...

Friday, August 18, 2006


Perla, Madelyn, and I received news today that we have been pre-approved for our home to be built by Newmark Homes. An exciting day... more news later.

Monday, August 14, 2006

November 2, 2006

Well, our due date has been announced for the baby girl in Perla's tummy: November 2, 2006!!!

Stay tuned for more details....

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Position at U of H

Well, yesterday the University of Houston Athletics Department posted an opening for the position of Athletic Ops/Game Mangement Coordinator... much to my excitement and surprise. This is the opportunity I had been waiting for... I could not wait to get home to apply for the position, which I did. Immediately upon arrival home there was an e-mail in my Inbox from my former boss, Mike Garrity, telling me that Tim Smith of Houston (the current Game Mgt. Coordinator) had e-mailed him to make sure I applied for the opening.

I waited all night for Perla to get home to share the news. The position paid in the range from $30,000-$40,800, with full benefits and TRS retirement. In my application I asked for $40,000 as my salary expectation. However, as the day wore on, I remembered the promises I had made to my wife concerning stability and happiness. I waited for her return (she went to Wal-Mart at 10 at night to buy a new set of clothes for her first day of school).

Finally, when we got around to talking we were both exhausted and I had lost my earlier excitement, told her and Madelyn that I was a top candidate for a position at UH, and... although she supports me fully, I could tell something was missing. She was not ecstatic with the news, yet not disappointed. She knows I worked hard to earn a future shot at such a position.

Perhaps the impending birth of our second child subconsciously caused her to fear the news. Regardless, we went to bed with plans of discussing it in the morning, but when I woke up this morning I knew there was only one thing I could do: I withdrew my application from Houston. I took my name out of the hat, so to speak.

See, collegiate athletics is very stressful. The reason the position at Houston is available is because a 52-year old Associate AD passed away after battling cancer. Another had a heart attack. The hours are long, the manual labor is high, and monotny is gruelsome. However, collegiate athletics is also very exciting and very rewarding.

It was a tough call. Yes, I am still addicted to running and pursuing my potential, but I had agreed to never put my career on hold to pursue running (plus, I am injured right now and hte last place I want to be is in a runnig store). But I had realized that managing businesses is what I am good at. I have made a lot of people a lot of money by implementing my business models and strategies. I am perhaps the most knowledgeable specialty running shoe expert in the business... one of the best at fitting. In other words, I am very good at what I do and it is starting to pay off in terms of what I am able to demand for my salary and life.

Plus, I had started the plan of one day owning my own (and multiple) business. I have been drafting a business plan, meeting with my financial advisor, and going over our options. Bottom line is that the potential of personal and financial growth is much larger in the private sector than in government jobs. I would have had to probably have taken a pay cut at UH, something I promised Perla I would never do again after my Houston to FIU move.

I am constantly learning about myself every day. I hope you are too. We entered into an agreement to purchase a very expensive house just recently, and a job change now would dash that dream. But what kept pounding in my head was that collegiate athletics (other than coaching) was not very appealing to me anymore. I could use my talents elsewhere. I have learned to love that I will be like my Dad: a hardworking, Monday through Saturday, businessman and bossman.

And I'm loving it. Press on...

Monday, August 07, 2006

New Home Plans

Perla and I signed papers yesterday on the development of our future home in Tuscan Lakes, which resides in League City. We selected a Newmark Home, the Silverstone V, a 2386 sq. foot, two-story home, that suits us perfectly. We chose Tuscan Lakes for a couple of reasons: 1) we wanted a more modern home with high ceilings, more room for our growing family and new construction, and, 2) we wanted to be closer to family, Perla's work, and the local running trails.

Tuscan Lakes is also a master-planned community with million dollar homes, and so we are ensuring for our children a wonderful neighborhood in which to be reared. Our decision came down to two subdivisions: Tuscan Lakes and Mar Bella. However, Mar Bella has yet to be organized and we are running out of time. With oil/gas prices continuing to rise, construction costs have been soaring and we could not miss our opportunity to buy, lest the homes would be out of our financial range. It is amazing how a house can increase in value over $10-15,000 in a little over 6 months. Our current home will once again be on the market soon.

The timeframe for this house to be built is looking like January-February 2007. A wonderful way to start off the new year and the rest of our lives together.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Training Plan

I have finalized my first 2 weeks back to training. It will be very simple training, designed at regaining muscular strength. I will be alternating 30' and 45' runs with a 1 hr run on Sunday. I will do this for 2 full weeks as I continue to strengthen my glutes/adductors and continue to get treatment and continue to prepare my body for what is to come... and what is to come will be an all-out assault on my potential, plain and simple. Press on..