Texans vs. Dolphins
And Other Updates
I apologize for the lack of posting, but life has been quite busy, sick, stressful, and tired. For the relatively good news, it seems like we have a buyer for our home. I say relatively, because the offer is not good and we will be out $3500, but at least we'll be out of the house and the stress of an unsold house while our new home is being built will dissipate. The housing market in Houston is not great. We purchased our home for $106,000 in 2003 and are now-reselling a much more finely remodeled home with tile and wood floorings for $107,500 in 2006 (would have been $106, but I countered... great dealmaking skills).
Anyhow, this Sunday I was fortunate enough to be invited by Tito Quinones to the Texans vs. Dolphins game at Reliant Stadium. We had the most amazing seats possible. We were in Row 1 on the 45-yard line. I spent the entire game pretty much talking to Daunte Culpepper and Ronnie Brown of the Dolphins. I had not been to a pro game since my days at FIU working Dolphin Stadium as a lemonade seller. The game was quick and the players were, in my opinion, so thick and "fat" in a way. Ronnie Brown had some thick legs and a huge butt, while Culpepper was just huge. The linemen were beasts. Pretty awesome seeing them so up close. Anyhow, a good game as the Texans pulled off a much-needed victory.
Otherwise, I am still sick, though improving. I have concluded it is allergies. I remember being like this when I first moved to Houston. Perhaps I lost all my anti-bodies when I moved back to Miami, and now my body has to rebuild its defenses. Oh well.
Running is going well. I'm up to 48' daily and this week I will really be challenging myself and my body. Perla is doing well, although she is all aches and pains. No one complains more than a pregnant wife. Seriously. Madelyn is doing great, although she can be quite demanding at times, but she loves us so much. Perla cut her bangs way too short and she looks quite grown up and funny. Think a Jenny Gomez hairstyle.
That's it for now. If all goes good with the house, we'll be out of it by Oct. 18th, which is really quick, but it'll allow us to save some much needed money for the new house, which we are a couple weeks away from the pouring the slab. Exciting stuff and more to come..
I apologize for the lack of posting, but life has been quite busy, sick, stressful, and tired. For the relatively good news, it seems like we have a buyer for our home. I say relatively, because the offer is not good and we will be out $3500, but at least we'll be out of the house and the stress of an unsold house while our new home is being built will dissipate. The housing market in Houston is not great. We purchased our home for $106,000 in 2003 and are now-reselling a much more finely remodeled home with tile and wood floorings for $107,500 in 2006 (would have been $106, but I countered... great dealmaking skills).
Anyhow, this Sunday I was fortunate enough to be invited by Tito Quinones to the Texans vs. Dolphins game at Reliant Stadium. We had the most amazing seats possible. We were in Row 1 on the 45-yard line. I spent the entire game pretty much talking to Daunte Culpepper and Ronnie Brown of the Dolphins. I had not been to a pro game since my days at FIU working Dolphin Stadium as a lemonade seller. The game was quick and the players were, in my opinion, so thick and "fat" in a way. Ronnie Brown had some thick legs and a huge butt, while Culpepper was just huge. The linemen were beasts. Pretty awesome seeing them so up close. Anyhow, a good game as the Texans pulled off a much-needed victory.
Otherwise, I am still sick, though improving. I have concluded it is allergies. I remember being like this when I first moved to Houston. Perhaps I lost all my anti-bodies when I moved back to Miami, and now my body has to rebuild its defenses. Oh well.
Running is going well. I'm up to 48' daily and this week I will really be challenging myself and my body. Perla is doing well, although she is all aches and pains. No one complains more than a pregnant wife. Seriously. Madelyn is doing great, although she can be quite demanding at times, but she loves us so much. Perla cut her bangs way too short and she looks quite grown up and funny. Think a Jenny Gomez hairstyle.
That's it for now. If all goes good with the house, we'll be out of it by Oct. 18th, which is really quick, but it'll allow us to save some much needed money for the new house, which we are a couple weeks away from the pouring the slab. Exciting stuff and more to come..
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