Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Can Specific Training Be Applied to the 5K Distance?

Someone posed the above question on a message forum, and below was my answer that I wanted to share, as it truly encapsulates my training philosophy as learned through my interaction with Renato Canova and his IAF Manual and personal trial and error experiences:

The most important philosophy that should be taken from such an article is one that is lost on many of America's marathoners and coaches: the need for specificity of training. In other words, many American systems are based to maximize V02 consumption, capitalize on speed intervals, etc. There is a time and place for all of this.

With this method, you would have a 6-8 week Introductory Period of easy running and mileage, not varying the stimulus much. 60-90' long runs, 30-45' tempos at 85% of marathon pace and 45-60' progression runs down to 90% of MP. The key of the Intro Period is to re-instate the body's capacity to work.

Then, you enter an 8-10 week Fundamental Period which focuses on aerobic power and endurance. This is the time for your V02 Max sessions, your 10 km racing, your killer speed workouts, interspersed with the occassional progression run and/or MP workout. The long run shifts to 90-120' and you begin to increase intensity and mileage. Workouts such as 8 x 1 km or 5000-4000-3000 with 3' recovery become key, stepping down the pace. For even shorter intervals, 10 x 500 + 8 x 400 or the like can be used. Here you want to build your speed. And here is where most Americans will jump into a Marathon Race... "oh, I've just PR'd for 10 km, that must mean I am ready for a Marathon PR".. and they are, in a way, but nowhere near their maximal capacity, because they have not dedicated themselves to the instrumental icing on the cake: The Specific Period.

The Specific Period is simple: 6-8 weeks of MP running. All workouts revolve around this fundamental principle. You focus on the marathon rhythm. You run 10 x 1K "on", 1K "off" with the "on" being MP pace or a bit quicker and the "off" being 20-30 sec per kilo slower. You run a couple "Prefontaines" or Specific Blocks, as Canova calls them, or the same workout in the AM as the PM.. you run 10 km in 40 min + 12 km at MP, then follow that up in the PM with 10 km in 40 min + 10 x 1000 m at 102-105% MP pace. If you can handle all this, while keeping a consistent volume throughout, you will run the Marathon you dream of in your sleep. Follow through with the Specific Phase and you'll be glad you did.

Yes, I sure would.. the principles remain the same, especially transitioning to the specific training for your event of choice. Also, let us not forget one of the most important training elements of the Specific Period: REST!! Yes, you need to recover well between bouts of training, fully recover in order to attack the next prescribed workout. Obviously, since I have not stated this prior, the Specific Period also entails a certain amount of tapering ( i.e., rest) and sharpening, but keep in mind you are doing the majority of your workouts now at your Goal Pace.

Think Dellinger, if you'd like: Date Pace early on in training and then a transition to Goal Pace as the race approaches. Or, think Squires and the same principle holds.. an Alpha Phase, a SWEP Phase, and then a Specific Race Phase


Blogger Matt said...


Glad to find your Training Blog. I used to follow your running at your old site, and was sad to see it go down. However, I am glad to find your new site.

Anyways, I hope all is well. Keep running.

I gave Wardie-Ward a copy of that Renato Marathoning Book. I think there are some really great things in there. I think that book (Scientific Training for the Marathon) and the Daniels Book are my favorite training books (also the Vigil and the Daniels).

2:52 PM  

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