Monday, February 27, 2006

Boston Marathon Long Run

Monday, 2-27-2006
20+ miles in 2:09:47 with pick ups of 1', 1', 6', 1', 1', 8', 1', 1', 4' en route every 10' after 35' of running


Alright, I had to write an addendum to this long run. This is somewhat "R" rated, so for those of you sensitive to language and/or violent imagery, please stop reading now.

Today, obviously, was a key run/day for me. It was my first long effort since the A1A Marathon and since my Saturday workout did not go well (told me I wasn't recovered yet), I was nervous to go 20 miles again, and become even more depleted. However, with Boston looming on the horizon, I had to get in my long run on Monday since I worked a softball tournament all weekend long.

Anyhow, last night I went for a steady 8 miles and felt quite solid. Ran almost a course record, which was mentally satisfying, because it told me I am recovered from A1A. But, this morning I was a little nervous that I had run too hard last night, and with only about 12 hours of rest, I was going to hit 20 miles. I started off and my legs felt pretty good. My 20 mile course consists of the Dairy Queen Loop (5 miles) and then two 8 mile Canal Out-and-Backs.

Well, by mile two I know that I am going to have a great long run and settle into a nice rhythm. On my Dairy Queen Loop, which consists of a perfect three mile loop inside a neighborhood (circle) there is no sidewalk, so I run on the edge of the road. No problem, right? I mean, by now, the whole city of Kendall pretty much knows who I am in terms of "that runner" running around for hours every morning. Most people on this loop are accustomed to seeing me out here since I run this loop quite regularly. Well, here I am, enjoying the beautiful 60-degree morning, running smoothly, about 3 miles into my run, when, obviously, a newbie to the circle has to be a smart@ss and honk at me. The following is what played out:

Honk! Honk!

Here I turn around with a confused, look, "what?!" There is no sidewalk to run on, so I just turn arounds arms up and perplexed, "what"?

Honk! Honk!

Once again I turn around, wanting to scream, "what do you want me to do?" There's no sidewalk. Everyone and their mother has driven past me and made room and continued on their day, but here's Mr. Control Freak in his BMW honking at me because I am on the road. He drives up to pass me after about 50 meters.

"Get on the f^cking sidewalk, jerk!" as he accelerates past me.

Rebutting loud enough so he can hear me as he drives past, "There is no sidewalk, dumb@ss!"

Hearing this, he yells out his window something profane, and I just respond with "fat@ss", referring to his 250 pound frame sitting behind the wheel of his 2002 white BMW 5-series. Obviously, he has some issues with seeing a fit adult running in the streets and some bitterness or jealously or disgust with his own out shape body causes him to react so angry towards me this morning. Maybe I made him feel out of shape, something had to have touched a nerve.. or maybe he's just a jerk.

Anyway, the "fat" comment makes him slam on the brakes about 80 meters ahead of me. He has stopped in the middle of traffic. I continue on, obviously picking up the pace thanks to the adrenaline rush and the anticipation of fat-man to actually get out his BMW and confront me. As I sneak past (no where to run, no sidewalk, duh!) he responds with,

"Keep running, you skinny little b!tch."

As I quickly retort, "Yeah, just keep driving, fat@ss," which causes him to pull behind me and attempt to rev his engine and I'm just hoping, "go ahead and try to swerve at me or try to run me off the road, buddy, because 1) I'm quicker than a 2-ton car, and 2) I'll memorize your license plate and there are plenty of witnesses if he tries to hit me. Finally, I think he figures this out on his own and storms past me with his hazards on, still driving slowly and looking back, but he keeps going and I keep running.

Of course, once I realize he peels off and the adrenaline wears out, I am almost crashing, my body out of whack from the rush/fartlek/anger and I'm only 20-odd minutes into a 2-hour run. Argh! just my day... having a perfect run and some jerk has to mess it up. But I get tough, and say, "you know what, I'm not going to let this guy ruin my run" and I relax and get back into a rhythm and hope that I've ruined his day and end up having a heck of a long run. Well, that's the story from this morning. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.. living on the edge. StreetFighter Rodriguez lives another day!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Lakes of the Meadow 10K

35:38, 1st Place Overall / Course Record

2-25-06; Miami, Florida (8:00AM)
SPLIITS- 5:27, 11:09 (5:42), 16:55 (5:45), 23:02 (6:07), 28:47 (5:44), 34:38 (5:50), 1:00

* Decided to jump in a very local (5 min drive) 10K in order to attempt my first workout, post-Marathon. On my previous day runs I could tell I still had the burn of depletion in my legs, so my goal for this workout was about 5:30 pace. During my strides, I knew it was going to be tough going. What I really needed was an interval workout- a workout with rest, not a continuous effort, as my I could tell that my legs were not recovered/fully fueled from the marathon effort and the past three days of no running following the race.

Anyhow, I attempted to give it a go and learn my body. You always read about guys that can run a 2:15-ish marathon and come back the next weekend and run 30-flat for 10K. I wanted to find out if I was one of those guys- NOT! Seriously, this is why I do things like race 6 days after a 26-mile effort: to learn what MY body is capable of and not capable of. See, when we start training really well, we believe we are capable of anything... we can run through walls, run back to back hellacious workouts. But, I love doing things that bring me back to reality. this race was like driving a car on empty: every time I would step on the gas, there would be nothing there. No response, other than an "oh-well". :)

And so, I jumped in this "race" and was brought back to reality. The best part about it was that 1) I didn't even break a sweat and 2) I could have held my breath the whole 35-minutes, well, not really, but my breathing/heart rate is tremendous at 5:30 pace (I stopped to stretch four times during the race)... it's my legs that need re-fueling. And I need to be careful not to dig myself into a hole any deeper than I really am.

Oh, and I got to meet and speak with the founder of my new running club, Octavio Diaz of the Bikila Athletic Club (see link on sidebar). What a great guy. Very knowledgeable about the sport (thus, the name). So, my new uniform will be black top and red shorts, much like Bikila used to wear..

Now, back to serious training on Monday (20-miler scheduled) to prepare for one of Miami's biggest races on my birthday, March 3rd, an 8K in which I wanted to win, but I will only race if I no longer feel that "burn" of depletion in my training.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Press Releases

Sunday, February 19, 2006

AIA Marathon

2:39:05, Victory!

2-19-2006; Fort Lauderdale, Florida (6:30AM)
SPLITS- 6:19, 12:23 (6:03), 18:03 (5:39), 23:45 (5:42), 29:34 (5:48), 35:43 (6:09), 41:37 (5:53), 47:42 (6:05), 54:05 (6:22), 1:00:37 (6:32), 1:06:20 (5:43), 1:12:30 (6:10), 1:18:30 (5:59), 1:30:08 (11:37), 1:35:50 (5:42), 1:41:35 (5:44), 1:47:42 (6:06), 1:54:50 (7:08), 2:01:07 (6:16), 2:07:44 (6:37), 2:13:51 (6:06), 2:19:51 (5:59), 2:25:50 (5:58), 2:31:53 (6:03), 2:37:50 (5:57), 1:14 ~ Course Record / Inaugural Champion

* Whoo-whee... the Marathon is a looooooong way.. Entered this race on Monday, as I wanted to substitute my weekly 24-mile fartlek with this race in preparation for Boston. In the deep recesses of my mind, I thought my training pace (about 2:45 for a marathon) perhaps may be enough to win this inaugural event, since no prize money was being offered and temperatures in the high-80's would probably scare away most serious runners.

So, I entered with this workout in mind: 2 mile warm-up, 21 miles at 5:40 pace, 3 mile cool-down. Most of my long runs have been in the following format: 5 miles at 6:30 pace, next 15 miles varying pace from 5:10-6:10, 4 miles working down to 5:40 pace. So, I figured I'd be good.. however, this would be all on concrete, whereas most of my long runs were on 65% grass. Ah, and the most important goal: to finsh the race and be able to continue training the next day without much issue (goal accomplished, I feel fine).

Anyway, I started off nice and easily. Talking the first couple of miles, and then after the mile, shifted into "work" gear. Was flowing nicely, and coming into who I thought would be the most serious of all marathoners, 2:30-marathoner, Aldo Virano of Brazil. He immediately went with me. This caused me to get rough and by 5-6 miles I stopped to stretch, telling a shocked Aldo "don't worry about me", as I was just on a standard training run. Got going again, closed the gap and then stopped to strectch again. Finally, by 8 miles, Aldo got rolling pretty well and had a big lead at the turnaround, but I took the lead at 16 miles, probably too excited, but as soon as I stepped into the lead... I stopped and stretched. :) I wanted to make sure I had no tightness and since there was so much crown on the road, my left hip would tighten, etc., so it was just precautionary.
Anyway, I worked back up to him at 18 miles and we were both running in sand. I knew I needed more liquids, as we were now into 88-degree heat and humidity and I didn't think I'd even be able to finish my workout at 7-min pace, let alone 5:40's for the middle 20 was out the window. Everytime I would pass Aldo, he would respond, and I was not going to "race" so I could never really drop the hammer. If I did I would just be disappointed in my ego getting the better of myself and ruining all the work I have done for Boston.

So, I decided to do something totally uncharacteristic: I got patient. I realized that I was running faster than Aldo. It was just that I was stopping to stretch every couple of miles. So, if I finally got into a good rhythm, I could catch him for certain. However, at 18 miles, I needed a bathroom stop and he built what I thought at the time was an insurmountable lead. I swear, if Perla was at Mile 20, I would have stopped and pulled over, because the training effect was just not there and I did not want to risk depletion.

But amazingly, I kept thinking, "I'm in 2:25 shape, Aldo can't be. Those 5:40 miles early on have to catch up with him. He has to crash." And finally, it happened. He began to slow. His 1-min lead became 45-seconds. Than by 21 miles it was 20-seconds. By 22 miles, it was 15-seconds and I felt I was jogging, yet my watch read sub-6 minute splits. By 22.5 miles, once inside a cute little park, I passed him and relaxed. I realized the last 4 times I had caught him I accelerated and shot my wad. Not this time. I would keep my pace and relax. I ran all the way to the finish at 5:50 pace, even kicked it in I felt so good.

All the while, my wife and daughter were screaming and cheering. I would win my first marathon title (I have won a 50K). Winning a marathon was always a goal of mine and I was over-joyed. It was such a mental roller-coaster, and I'm just glad I walked away without breaking a sweat and averaging 6:05 pace for 26.2 miles. Great workout, but I have a ton of work to do. A ton. Sub-2:25 is no joke, especially at Boston.

Immediately after crossing the finish line I was swarmed by reporters and TV cameras, asking all sorts of questions. I think they were surprised by my calm demeanor. My parents showed up and it was great, I just wish we would not have had such a bad night of fighting over Madelyn. Otherwise, I enjoyed the victory and took Madelyn into the beautiful Atlantic Ocean and waded in, waist-deep to let the ocean soothe my tired muscles, while a Herald photographer shot away..

Now, I feel fine, after working a baseball game at FIU post-marathon (workaholic?). It still has not sunk it that I won. It probably won't, because I want to win a big marathon while racing a PR. Not to take away from A1A and competition, but this was training and it is not the same. I want to win a major city marathon at the peak of my powers, to my utmost potential, all-out. That would be nice. That would be sweet. That would be cause for celebration. As for today, it was just all in a day's work. Tomorrow I run 8 miles in the AM and work a Golf Tournament that I am the Assistant Director of Championships for, and a Men's Basketball Game at night.

Till the next one.. press on...

Valentine's Dinner Date

Parioli Cafe

Since Perla and I have been dating and married, we have had some wonderful Valentine dates. We fell in love with a little Italian Restaurant in Houston named Corelli's, which we visited two out of the last three years. However, with our new lives in Miami, the search for a Valentine's restaurant was on...

Doing my traditional search of scanning the Miami New Times (I just think it's written for the younger crowd- more modern, more rebellious) Valentine's Day advertisements. I only go for restaurants offering a complimentary bottle of wine with the meal. What is Valentine's without a bottle of wine?

And then, it hit me: Parioli Cafe on 73rd Street in Miami Beach. Reservations were made, and we headed out towards the beach, conservatively dressed. Perhaps one of the best parts of the night was driving into Miami Beach from I-95. The houses lining the road into Miami Beach were a mixture of Spanish architecture and modern decco flaire. Though some homes were quite small in Miami terms, they were easily worth millions. Some of the houses were so luxorious, we could have spent all night driving up and down that street. And I'm not talking River Oaks houses. I'm talking Heritage Park houses, but with style, with architecture, with class.

We finally arrived to Parioli Cafe, as it was located right on the beachfront, on Ocean Terrace. The restaurant itself seemed to be built out of an old hotel lobby. Nicely decorated, we were one of the first ones there and were seated in the middle of the restaurant, with Perla receiving a golden rose for the night. Immediately we were served what Perla called "hominy"(?) or what I would call "garbanzos." Anyway, it was a delicious teaser to the night. We ordered a bottle of red wine but before that arrived we were poured a complimentary glass of champagne to toast our love for the night and our lives... then bon apetit!

Oh, before I forget, the funny story of the night: Parioli Cafe exists in Rome. They actually have three restaurants in Rome and this one on Miami Beach is their first venture into the United States and abroad. So, you can imagine that family staffed the cafe. Everyone barely spoke English, so in my constant curiousity, I wanted to know more about the history of the family and the cafe. So, Perla calls aside the waitress and asks, "how long has this cafe been open?" The waitress replies, "I know no English", but comes back a few minutes later to report, shrugging, "about five minutes?" The waitress thought Perla was asking how long until the food was ready! How embarassing! Here we are coming across as impatient Americans at a fancy cafe! And on Valentines to boot! We just sat laughing about our miscommunication, not sure if we should attempt to set the record straight, or just let it be. We hoped our main course (heart of filet mignon) would not be rushed.

Our first plate (which I thought was the meal), an appetizer, I guess, had a collection of food I didn't know what it was. But I ate it anyway, including the spicy single large shrimp wrapped in wax paper. I did not eat the mussel. Perla did and almost puked because of the fishy aroma! The "albondiga" (obviously, our lack of eating culture and knowledge of fancy food shows) thingy on spinach tasted delicious. I seriously thought that it was my filet mignon, and that we were just in some super fancy cafe that you get a 2 oz filet for $100. Thank goodness I was wrong, though I could have eaten several. Ah, and the garlic (?) bread with feta goat cheese was yummy as well.

This plate followed with a choice of either a serving of fetuccini or stuffed eggplant ravioli. We both chose the fettuccini and it was perfect.

Finally, the main course: heart of filet mignon (Perla and I actually ordered the same main course). It was pretty raw-to-medium and was just delicate to the tongue. Delicious. Probably 6 ounces, but worth every bite. This followed with a cup of coffee (which was sublime) and then a dessert chocolate tart, which was pretty awesome as well. Man, I went in going in thinking $100 might be too much, but we got so much food and such a great experience it was well worth it...

And then our walk on the moonlit beach..

Monday, February 13, 2006

Boston Marathon Long Run

Monday, 2-13-2006
20 miles in 2:08:30 with pick-ups of 1', 1', 15', 1', 1', 4' at 5:10-5:15 pace en route every 10' after 35' of running

Press & Pictures

Oh-oh... is she angry at you or what???

Perla and I before the Town Center Classic 5K in Boca..

Surprise of the day: seeing former roommate/teammate Joe Mazzeo again after 4 years..

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Town Center Classic 5K

15:18, 4th Overall

2-11-2006; Boca Raton, Florida (7:30AM)
SPLITS- 4:56, 9:49 (4:52), 14:48 (4:58), :30

* Jeez... alright, an okay run. I figured that I would not be recovered in time for this race, but with Boston on the horizon, my focus has shifted to my training and not my racing. Put in 98 miles before this race, with a 24-miler on Monday and a solid track workout on Thursday (PM), that contributed to my mediocre performance. I just had nothing today. Went out steady and was working harder than I was on Thursday when I was running 4:50-pace like a jog, but made good contact with the leaders at 1.5 miles, then, probably my biggest mistake of the race, I took the lead soon after and that set the lead pack into high gear. Mike Korir (2nd, 14:59) did most of the work and just towed eventual winner, Ryan Woods (14:49) to victory. I wasn't able to hang with Holassie (3rd, 15:05), as my 4:58 mile was too much of a deceleration for them to break away.

On a positive note, I was pleased with my consistent mile splits, which for me, means that I am getting much stronger. I averaged 4:56 and my miles varied only by :06 seconds. When I am more in 5K shape than in Marathon shape, I might see closer to :10+ second differentials, including a much faster opening mile. But the goal is Boston, and this week was a step in the right direction, considering I worked 36 hours in 3 days this week thanks to our Softball tournament.

However, I always happen to run the "first loser", as the top 3 paid out big today: $600, $300, $150. I thought at least one good runner would show, as there was a competing money race in St. Petersburg, but with Ryan Woods, Mike Korir, and Ronnie Holassie showing up, it just shows the gaining strength of South Florida racing. I did, however, earn $50 for my 25-29 age group victory, and coupled with Perla's $25 for her 2nd place 25-29 finish in 20:27, we made a $25 profit on the day- which our financial advisor, Chad, should be proud of our money-spending ways. Heck, I was trying to turn $50 into $600 for 15-minutes of work. Only in America.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Boston Marathon Track Workout

Thursday, 02-09-2006
Goal Workout
2 x 1.5 miles, 2 x 1 mile (4' jog rest)
Goal Pace
7:24, 4:56

Actual Workout Performance
7:20, 7:23, 4:55, 4:57

Monday, February 06, 2006

Boston Marathon Long Run

Monday, 02-06-2006
24 miles in 2:31:41 with pick ups of 1', 1', 14', 1', 1' after 35' of running

Boston Marathon Track Workout

Friday, 02-03-2006
Goal Workout
2 x 2k, 2 x 2 miles (4' jog rest)
Goal Pace
6:10, 9:52

Actual Workout Performance
6:11, 6:09, 10:04, 10:15

Friday, February 03, 2006

Gimme my Motto!

Now, in this wonderfully photographed event by my Nobel Prize-winning photographer wife, Perla, I am personally handing All-Star guard, Dwayne Wade, of the Miami Heat, a cold Sprite at the Pharmed Arena at FIU. Wade showed up, practically unannounced, as the fans were treated to a true basketball icon in South Florida, and he generously signed autographs for all the children in attendance. Should I wash my hands?

More of Madelyn

Hi, I'm Madelyn, and I'm for sale...

This one is my personal favorite...

Enough already with the cuteness? :)